About IPS
The producer of HA5 High Density Mineral Bond
A Little About Us
IPS produces HA5®, one of the leading pavement preservation treatments for residential roadways and highway shoulders. HA5 meets the rigid demands for High Density Mineral Bond installations for extending pavement life. This category in pavement management was established by agency engineers after evaluating the performance of installations over a 10-year period.
Real world performance evaluation (not just laboratory test results) has shown HA5 to effectively preserve pavement for years longer than non-HA5 treated road sections. In fact, HA5 is now protecting over 600 million square feet of roadways across 25 states.
The demand driver for HA5 is its track record of performance when it comes to reducing the deterioration of asphalt pavements in multiple climate types. A side benefit of HA5 is the aesthetics. It’s easy to turn a road black. But with HA5, effective asset preservation is coupled with a look and feel preferred by residents. If your agency or community has experienced the performance limitations of seal coats, slurry, micro-surfacing, fog seals, and chip seals, contact IPS now to learn more about getting the benefits of HA5 in your toolbox.

Technically Speaking
What is Pavement Preservation?
Pavement preservation is “a program employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations.”
Source: FHWA Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group
Public agencies, school districts and private communities across the country rely on us for asset preservation, including: